Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Monday morning blues!!!


The colour of the clear sky or the deep sea, between green and violet in the visible spectrum, and one of the primary additive colours for transmitted light; the colour becomes Monday morning blues!

You snuggle deeper into the blanket; close your eyes tight to shut out the reality of sun having already got out of his bed. The birds go about their business chirpily. The next door dog barks energetically. The tightly rolled newspaper hits your door. Everyone is in sync with the daily grind of their business. Did you say business again? When are you getting down to business and getting down to work?

Why does one dread going to work after a long, relaxed, energy-charged weekend? Is it the realization that the party is over and it is back to business? Business, business again!! Well, the business of living: rushing around to get to work, locating that file which has mysteriously vanished, that red cross mark on the calendar reminding you of dentist’s appointment; trying hard to remember if you had filled the gasoline; you wriggle into your pants clumsily. You will forgo your breakfast once again, adding darker shades to your Monday morning blues. The day stretches ahead, dark, gloomy and interminable. You wish you were a child again, you could pretend tummy ache and nestle into the soft bed, with mom’s worried face framing the backdrop. The keys located, essentials thrust hastily into the bag, quick rummaging to see if your wallet and phone are inside, you race out of the door. Your day has begun but your Monday morning blues has not ended. He is with you, hitchhiking to your work place.

Long line of cars; slow moving traffic; your ire builds up…against yourself, for having dawdled in the bed, for having forgotten to pack your bag earlier, for feeling hungry and not liking what you are wearing. The traffic is moving at last; you give a sigh of relief, wave out of the window to a cute toddler, your mood seems to lighten but no! the hitchhiker refuses to alight. The office looms into sight too soon. You park your car with much maneuvering as early birds have already parked. Your blue turning a shade of purple, you march into your cubicle; hoping -you don’t bump into any sunny bird; don’t have to summon your non-existent smile to your lips. You plonk into your chair with the hitch hiker making merry…need I go on? You will be a bundle of nerves and your blue different shades of grey before you reach home in the evening. To-morrow is another day.

Anyways, didn’t you go through this rigamarole last week? Any idea how you can survive the next one? Sure, why not give yourself a treat on Mondays, like that book you always wanted to buy, that chocolate you have been saving up in the fridge, that new flavor you wanted to try with the ice cream, that gossip you wanted to catch up with your friend!! You will start looking forward to Monday. Side by side, organize your Monday the night before. Pack your office bag, keep out; ready to don, your favorite shirt/dress, prepare sandwiches for breakfast, with your finger licking spicy topping, check your wallet, key, phone (charged of course), and not to forget,  fill your gas tank if needed. Keep a couple of hours aside in the weekend; to run your errands and to get a handle on your office work. Of course, you will feel foolish to prepare for Monday on a Sunday night. But it feels great to finish your business, before pleasure of lying-in a few minutes more, on Monday morning. There is no hurry. Everything is packed and ready. As your weekend draws to a close, don’t forget to look forward to your next weekend, on Monday morning. You are finally happy..happy on a Monday!!!

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